Behavioral Health Promotion & Resilience Building for Everyone

MTSS-B Tier 1


Schoolwide mental health and wellness promotes a positive school climate, social emotional learning, and student & staff wellness.  District, community, and mental health partners build systems and practices that support mental promotion and resilience building for students and families, creating the foundation for a trauma-informed school.

Positive Behavior Expectations

Positive Behavior Expectations creates a school culture that is clear, positive, consistent, and focused on teaching behavior expectations schoolwide, in the classroom, and on the bus. Behavior expectations should be linked with Social-Emotional Learning curriculum key messages, and be respectful of the students’ cultures.  School staff model expectations and refer to them regularly in daily interactions. Behavior expectations are consistent across the district; however, a school's culture and context will reflect some slight differences. Examples from some of our schools:

schoolwide expectations



Chronic absenteeism can have a negative impact on student outcomes, but it can be significantly reduced when schools, families and community partners work together! If you need help with your child's attendance, please contact your school's guidance counselor.

show up MSD

Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is the process through which all young people and adults acquire and apply the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to develop healthy identities, manage emotions and achieve personal and collective goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain supportive relationships, and make responsible and caring decisions.


Mental Health Literacy is...

  • Promoting positive mental health

  • Understanding impacts, signs, and symptoms of mental health and trauma

  • Understanding interventions that can help

  • Talking about mental health and reduce stigma

  • Ensuring students know where to go for support if needed

Education is a helping profession and many have heard the terms compassion fatigue, secondary traumatic stress, vicarious trauma, and burnout often associated with helping professions. Practicing self-care to promote resilience is important. MTSS-B provides schools the framework to install and sustain a culture that promotes staff wellness. MTSS-B Tier 1 Teams, make well-being activities readily available, integrated into the school culture, and low to no-cost.



Questions? Comments? Input?

Contact the Office of Behavioral Health & Safe Schools