Intent to Retire Information
If you are considering retirement on June 30, 2025 please review the Retirement Information Sheet found below.
There are deadlines for submitting your intent to retire to be eligible for the items payable with retirement. After careful review, if you intend to retire on June 30, 2025 please complete the Retirement Intent Letter/Form (link to form is above ) and return it to Human Resources. The completed Letter/Form can be returned in one of the methods listed below before the indicated due date printed in the Information sheet:
Mail to SAU offices to the attention of Human Resources - Retirement
Hand deliver to the SAU offices to the attention of Human Resources - Retirement
Once you have decided to retire it is important to contact your respective Retirement System to make them aware and to follow their guidelines for intent to retire. Click on your associated Retirement System Link below for important information.
Once the MSD Benefits Coordinator has received your intent to retire approval from the MSD Board you will be sent a Retirement Notice with important Information regarding your benefit coverage due to retiring from the Manchester School District. Along with the Retirement Notice you will receive a Benefits Election Form, used to elect dental and or medical insurance post retirement, and lastly if you are NHRS affiliated, a NHRS Annuity Deduction Form, used to arrange for annuity deductions to be sent directly to MSD for post retirement premium payments.
Completed Benefit Election Forms and other documentation that is required should be sent directly to the MSD Benefits Coordinator:
Mail to SAU offices to the attention of Human Resources - Benefits
Email to