Behavioral Health Intervention & Crisis Intervention

MTSS-B Tier 2-3

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The need for School Based Behavioral Health Services

The youth need for mental health care is unmet

  • 13-20% of US children meet criteria for a mental health disorder

  • 5% of adolescents meet criteria for a substance use disorder

    • Only 12% receive any services to address these concerns

Students need to be ready to learn

Students distracted by distressing emotions are less available for listening, watching, absorbing, and retaining information.

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Without appropriate supports, students are at greater risk for:

  • Substance misuse

  • Risky behaviors

  • Violence

  • More several behavioral health difficulties

The school dropout rate for students with severe emotional and behavioral needs is approximately 2x that of other students.

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Schools are a hub for children's behavioral health

Social-emotional programming in schools offers all students an opportunity to develop foundational social-emotional competencies. Schools behavioral health programs decrease stigma and increase help-seeking behaviors, resulting in dramatic improvements to access. Youth are 6x more likely to complete evidence-based interventions in schools vs. other community settings.

Keene State Behavioral Health Improvement Institute, 2022

Please visit the District's Behavioral Health Promotion & Resilience page to see what each school will be building to proactively support student behavioral health.

Student Behavioral Health Emergency

During School: For an emergency, Dial 911. If this is not an emergency, go to a trusted adult or friend and ask for help.

At Home: Anytime Call-Text-Chat 988 NH Rapid Response Access Point: 833-710-6477


Positive Behavior Support Plan

A positive behavior plan can help support a student throughout their day at school. Contact your child's school for more information.

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Check-In Check-Out

Check-In Check-Out (CICO) is a school-based intervention providing daily behavior and social-emotional support to students who may need additional support with navigating their school day. CICO focuses on positive interactions with adults while monitoring behavior to promote school success.

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Small Group Support

Small group support is available for students who may need additional assistance to successfully access their education. The type of small group support varies by school and may include small group for behavior, emotion regulation, social skills, or trauma.

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Supporting Newcomer Students: STRONG

STRONG (Supporting the Transition & Resilience of Newcomer Students) is an evidence-informed, school-based intervention to support the mental health of newcomer students by building resilience through a cultural lens. Coming through Project AWARE.


Conflict happens. Restorative conferencing helps create a safe space to bring people together to resolve conflict. Coming through Project AWARE.


Student Assistance Program

The New Hampshire Student Assistance Program (SAP) is based on a National model to help youth in Middle and High School with various social issues, including bullying, substance misuse, dating violence, and peer pressure.



Questions? Comments? Input?

Contact the Office of Behavioral Health & Safe Schools