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girls reading

Manchester Bookmobile

A partnership between the Manchester School District and City of Manchester Public Library

The Manchester School District's summer reading and learning initiative throughout the city of Manchester aims to raise awareness about the importance of summer reading and learning. "Booked for Summer" (#Booked4Summer) offers elementary, middle, and high school students a variety of activities appropriate to each age group and encourages students to achieve reading and learning goals. Businesses and organizations across the city have become valuable community partners that support the school district's initiative and outreach efforts.

Summer 2024 Schedule

Click on the link above to view the schedule for this summer.


The Bookmobile is funded through grants and donations.

"Students show that reading four to five books over the summer has a positive impact comparable to summer school enrollment."


Students need books during Summer Break

Book Mobile

Contact Information

Questions about the Bookmobile? Want to provide feedback?

Contact Kelly Jobel at