Cooperating Teachers
Do you have a motivated student with a special interest in your subject area?
Do you have an idea for engaging, credit-bearing work?
Do you have a little extra time to help mentor a student as he or she explores a topic of interest for credit?
If so, the ELO program needs you! Certified teachers in all disciplines are needed to help Manchester high school students succeed in their ELO goals.
Cooperating Teachers in the ELO process...
Prepare an ELO Project Outline, identifying competencies, formative and summative assessments, and project expectations and timeline. Your school ELO Coordinator may assist you in the process of creating a plan/project outline.
Provide ongoing support and guidance as needed to the student throughout the process
Engage in regular dialogue with the ELO Coordinator to discuss student progress and communicate any concerns.
Participate in assessment of the student work and attend the final presentation.
Meet with the ELO Coordinator and student to discuss student's ELO goals.
Please contact your ELO Coordinator to create a draft ELO Project Outline for your student's ELO
Aligning Competencies
Key Points to Follow When Aligning Learning Goals to Competencies
A Learning Goal should be something a student can do, or something a student should know.
A Learning Goal should demonstrate an enduring understanding that has been internalized.
A Learning Goal should arise organically from the ELO. A goal shoehorned into an ELO will confuse and distract the student from the bigger picture.
To uncover a Learning Goal:
Examine the standard/competency.
Ask, “What would the student have to do for me to know he/she has internalized the ability to do this?”
Turn the answer to that question into a statement.
Example #1
English LA Competency for Reading: Students will demonstrate the ability to research, comprehend, integrate, analyze and critique a variety of increasingly complex literary, nonfiction and informational texts within a specific genre.
I would know a student could do this if he/she were to find and read a variety of texts related to [the ELO], and if the student used the knowledge gained from those texts to discuss, interpret, select, and synthesize ideas related to [the ELO].
Learning Goal #1: The student will compile a reading list of texts related to [the ELO]. (Research)
Learning Goal #2: After reading each text, the student will assess the usefulness of the text in relation to [the ELO]. (Comprehend, analyze, critique)
Learning Goal #3: For the texts that the student has deemed useful, he/she will create notes summarizing and/or recording key information for later use. (Comprehend, integrate, analyze)
Learning Goal #4: The student will integrate the captured information into [the ELO]. (Integrate)
Example #2
English LA Competency for Language Concepts & Development: Students will demonstrate the ability to understand the origin, development, meaning, and nuanced use of increasingly complex words.
I would know a student could do this if he/she properly incorporates the terminology and jargon of [the ELO] into his/her reflections, conversations, products, and presentations.
Learning Goal: The student will compile a list of terminology and/or jargon related to [the ELO], and will properly incorporate these terms into his/her reflections, conversations, products, and presentations throughout the ELO.