Students’ usage of their cell phones is a distraction from their education and is a disruption to our learning environment. The expectation at our middle schools is that when a student enters the building, their phone, airpods/bluetooth headphones, smart watches and other personal electronic devices are to be turned off and put away. They will not be allowed out on desks or tables. The school is not responsible for any of these items brought to school.

Students may only use district chromebooks during class time, provided the teacher has authorized this use. Hard-wired headphones may be connected to chromebooks, provided the teacher has granted permission. 

In the event a student is observed using an unauthorized electronic device at school the following steps will be taken:

First Offense- The teacher will instruct the student to hand the device into the office. The teacher will contact the parents/guardians. The student will be able to pick the device up from the main office at the end of the school day.

Second Offense-  The teacher will instruct the student to hand the device into the office. The teacher will contact the parents/guardians. The device will be returned to the parents/guardians. 

Third Offense- The teacher will instruct the student to hand the device into the office. The device will be returned to the parents/guardians. The parent/guardians will be notified and the student will be required to drop their device off in the office each day. 

Subsequent Offense - The student may be issued administrative detention, in-school or out-of-school suspension.

If students refuse to follow these expectations their parent/guardian will be required to come in and meet with an administrator and their child. While we understand this may disrupt a parent or guardian’s day, cell phone usage in school is an enormous disruption to your child's daily education. 

Families are asked not to call or send text messages to students during regular school hours. If an emergency should arise, please call the main office at. If a student needs to make an emergency call they may use the phone in the classroom or have a pass to use the phone in the office. 

Please see this website from the New Hampshire Department of Education for more information on the impact of social media and cell phones on young people.