MANCHESTER – On any given day, the Welcome Center at Central High School is bustling with students and families. Flags representing the home countries of students line the walls. Tutors offer homework help and parents learn about school services and policies from staff, including Social Workers and Bilingual Family Liaisons.
Central Social Worker Amadou Hamady said the idea for the Welcome Center came about after seeing the Wellness Room created at Central by Catherine Kabala, the school’s Student Assistance Program Counselor. With Kabala’s support, Hamady set out to create a safe, quiet space for English Language Learner students, and their families, to access resources they need to succeed in school and beyond.
"The Welcome Center at Central High School is a testament to our community's commitment to inclusivity and support,” Hamady said. “It was born from a collective desire to provide a warm embrace and resourceful space to our newcomer families, addressing their unique needs as they embark on a new journey.”
'Work is far from complete'
The Welcome Center is set up in Room B4 of the Practical Arts Building, the old classroom space now equipped with areas for casual conversations, formal meetings, and help with computers. Students can drop by the space during a free period or lunch, and tutoring is available on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Students can receive support with college applications and financial aid, and there is also a food and clothing pantry available. New this year, the Welcome Center is hosting regular events focused on providing support and access to resources for families.
“The resounding response from families has been one of gratitude and unity, but our work is far from complete,” Hamady said. “Together, we must continue to listen, adapt, and thrive for greater empowerment, ensuring that every family's voice is heard and every need for every student is met."
Family Engagement Programming is held each Friday from 4-6 pm, a parent education block, with support for topics such as computer literacy and English as a Second Language. Family members can get support with paperwork and better understand the role they can play in the school community. Family Welcome Events are held every few weeks on Thursdays, with each having a specific language focus.
Wendy Perron, the District’s Executive Director of English Learner Instruction, said the Family Welcome Events bring together families with bilingual family liaisons, social workers, and administrators.
“In creating these smaller affinity groups for individual languages, we are providing an opportunity for families to come together and receive additional support to ensure they’re receiving information in a language they understand,” Perron said. “These meetings are really a great two-way exchange of information, because it’s also an opportunity for District staff to learn more about the unique challenges families new to the U.S. face and to collectively brainstorm solutions.”
Superintendent Jennifer Chmiel Gillis said the space at Central is the inspiration for a District-wide Welcome Center that’s now in the planning stages.
“When you see the impact that Central’s Welcome Center has on families and students, it really makes it obvious that there is a real need for a higher level of support and engagement,” Gillis said. “The goal is for the District to create a welcoming space in a central location that offers information and support with things like registering students and connecting to resources. We’ve seen the impact of this model at Central, and we believe it will serve our community well.”
Hamady said that while Central’s Welcome Center is geared towards English Language Learner students and families, all students are welcome to join programs there. The welcoming environment, Hamady said, allows students to “learn and grow together.”