MANCHESTER – Families of Manchester School District students are encouraged to complete the District's annual survey, which is open now through April 5.
This survey, along with a companion staff survey, was introduced two years ago as required by District policy. Survey results will be used to inform and develop appropriate strategies, procedures, and/or programs to enhance our school climate.
The anonymous survey can be completed completely online using this link: . The survey is available in English as well as seven additional languages. You can change the survey language using the drop-down at the top right of the survey window.
The survey will be available through Friday, April 5.
About the survey: The survey contains 28 questions and takes about 10-15 minutes to complete. All of your responses are completely anonymous. We have no way to connect you to your answers, and results will only be reported as group responses. There are no right or wrong answers. We just want to know about your personal experiences. Responses are housed securely in an anonymous format with the University of Oregon Technical Assistance Center projects for evaluation research purposes. All evaluation research projects are in compliance with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act, (343 CFR 99.31 (6)) and human subjects regulations (Protection of Human Subjects 45 CFR 46).
Completing the survey: As you respond to each item, think about your own personal experiences as a parent, caregiver or guardian at your student’s school. Please answer all of the questions, or your answers won’t be recorded, but you can mark “I prefer not to answer” if you don’t want to answer a question about you.
Background: On March 28, 2022, The Board of School Committee established Community 115: Annual Survey to Parents. Your voice is important to us! We invite you to take the School Climate Survey for families. We want to hear about your experience with your student’s education. If you have multiple students in the district, please complete the survey for each school. This survey includes questions about your student’s learning, school safety, and interpersonal relationships, as well as your attitudes about the institutional environment and your personal involvement in school. Your responses will help the schools to identify areas needed for improvement, such as: student relationships, learning conditions, and the overall school environment.
We hope you will take the time to provide us with this valuable information. Feel free to email our office at if you have any questions.