MANCHESTER – Musical performers are used to taking the stage at all types of venues, but the hottest new spot for student groups to showcase their stuff is on the third floor of City Hall.
Since Ed Doyle took on the role of Fine Arts Director for Manchester School District, the District has been bringing in student performing groups regularly to Board of School Committee meetings. That’s why, at least once a month, you can find our talented students shining right in the middle of the Aldermanic Chambers.
“We’re thrilled to give our students this unique opportunity to perform in such an important space,” Doyle said. “This isn’t just about showcasing their talents — it’s about ensuring every student, from every school, has the chance to shine on a meaningful stage.”
Board Member Bob Baines famously served as mayor for three terms and as principal at West High School, but before that he was a music teacher. Baines said that having the opportunity to perform at City Hall in front of the mayor, with the show broadcast live on TV, is deeply impactful for students.
“The biggest thing it does is it builds morale with the students,” Baines said. “It showcases what they’re doing and shows the importance of what they’re doing.”
Baines says he looks for the enthusiasm on students’ faces as confirmation of this, and highlighted one performance in particular, when a Hillside student took a turn conducting the chorus and his teacher.
“I went, ‘oh my,’ the talent that that young man has and the passion for what he's doing is absolutely phenomenal,” Baines said, noting that he soon found out that the student, Tommy Parr, is the son of fellow board member Sean Parr. “For somebody like that, a young person who aspires to be a performer like his dad who’s an opera singer and a music teacher – you can't put it adequately in the words what it means to these kids.”
Hillside Chorus Director Rob St. Cyr said selecting Tommy Parr as honorary conductor was due in large part to the 8th Grader’s hard work in developing his talents. St. Cyr said Parr is a consummate musician capable of the highest of musical achievements.
“Tommy once told me his dream is to be a conductor, and I believe he will achieve this goal,” St. Cyr said. “Whether it is orchestral, choral, or symphonic conducting, I have no doubt he will match the goals he sets with exacting standards. Not only has he conducted the Hillside choirs, but he also has lead the HMS band in several performances throughout his time at Hillside.”
After all of those performances, Tommy Parr is used to taking center stage, but was deeply grateful to St. Cyr for providing the opportunity to conduct at a board meeting.
“I feel so grateful that Mr. St. Cyr, our amazing chorus director, allowed me to rehearse and conduct a piece,” Parr said. “He really is a hero for all the hard work he does, leading, rehearsing and managing three choruses every day . Because of his generosity, I had the great honor of being able to conduct and show my passion for music in front of an esteemed group of people such as the school board."
Doyle said that these opportunities simply offer something that classroom learning cannot.
“These performances inspire our students, build their confidence, and highlight the undeniable value of the arts in education and our community,” Doyle said. “It needs to be a part of every student’s education experience.”
Student musical performances will continue in the new year.