students and district staff pose for a photo with mayor Ruais during a recognition of all-state musicians at the Feb. 10 board of school committee meeting

MANCHESTER – Here’s your recap of the Monday, February 10, Board of School Committee meeting. You can find the agenda for the meeting here: Video from the meeting will be posted online by Manchester Public Television. As a reminder, we provide live updates from full board meetings at

Music postponed

Unfortunately, our scheduled pre-meeting musical performance from the Westside Chamber Orchestra – a combination of West High and Parkside – was postponed due to illness. We will reschedule this for a future meeting.

Northwest Elementary School students lead Pledge of Allegiance

northwest administrators and students pose for a photo with mayor Ruais prior to the feb. 10 board of school committee meetingStudents from Northwest Elementary School joined us at Monday night's Board of School Committee meeting to lead the Pledge of Allegiance.

Prior to the meeting, students had an opportunity to meet Mayor Ruais and check out his office, too.

Thank you to the students and to Principal Larochelle for coordinating.

All-State musicians recognized

In our recognitions tonight, we are highlighting high school all-state musicians. Students from Central, Memorial and West were all selected for All-State music festivals – a competitive process for which they need to try out. In all, 13 of our high school students were selected.

Here is a full list of students selected for the festivals:

Central High School
  • Jonah Therrien – All-State Jazz Band

  • Jack Lianos – All-State Jazz Band; All-State Orchestra; Chamber Festival

  • Thomas Martineau – All-State Jazz Band; All-State Band

  • Lily Szulc – All-State Jazz Choir; All-State Mixed Choir

  • Katherine Thorner – All-State Jazz Choir; All-State Mixed Choir

  • Marley Walker – All-State Jazz Choir; All-State Mixed Choir

  • Will Brewer – All-State Band (No. 1 score in Percussion); Chamber Festival

  • Sophia Boisvert – All-State Mixed Choir (4-year award); Chamber Festival

  • Michaela Aufiero – All-State Mixed Choir

Memorial High School
  • Meta Denio – All-State Orchestra; Chamber Festival

  • David Kulikovskiy – All-State Orchestra

  • Anna Sobozenski – All-State Treble Choir

West High School
  • Fatoumata Bah – All-State Treble Choir

Congratulations to them! You can read more about them here:

Consent agenda

There are no presentations or action agenda items at tonight’s meeting, so we move right on to the consent agenda. This includes two items from Teaching and Learning. These items start on Page 1 of the agenda packet: All items are approved.

Communications and adjournment

In superintendent’s communications, the District announced times for graduation ceremonies. All ceremonies will take place on June 14 at the SNHU Arena. MST leads off at 8 am, followed by Central at 10 am, West at 2 pm and Memorial at 5:30 pm.

Superintendent Chmiel reminded families that the district has had one weather related cancellation this year, and discussed her decision-making process for choosing a delayed opening or a closure. Once the district has 3 cancellations (2 more to go), the superintendent can choose to hold a remote learning day. The district team is assessing technology needs to support students for a remote day, and will hold a practice run during the school day to prepare students.

The meeting moved to non-public session and later adjourned. The next full meeting of the board is Monday, March 10.