This page includes key dates in Manchester School District's long-term facilities planning process. The timeline includes dates in reverse-chronological order.
Note: The timeline includes work to date, not a projected timeline of work to come.
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March 15, 2024: District selects Consigli Construction as construction manager at risk for site preparations for modular buildings to be placed at six schools, as part of priority one projects.
March 4, 2024: Special joint meeting of Board of Mayor and Aldermen and Board of School committee held. Meeting was requested to provide information on priority one projects (link).
March 1, 2024: District releases RFP for construction manager at risk for site preparations for modular buildings to be placed at six schools, as part of priority one projects.
February 20, 2024: District selects Leftfield as the Owner's Project Manager firm for priority one projects.
January 30, 2024: First, organizational meeting of Joint School Building Committee held. The committee includes members of the Board of School Committee and Board of Mayor and Aldermen.
The committee will meet monthly starting in February.
January 10, 2024: District announces a series of informational events focused on schools directly impacted by Priority One projects. The full list of events is posted in our media release (link).
January 8, 2024: District awards bid for modular classrooms to Triumph; board approves superintendent's request to waive fiscal policy related to approval of all RFPs specific to Priority One projects (link).
January 5, 2024: District releases request for proposals for owner's project manager services, closing on January 19 (link).
December 5, 2023: Aldermen give final approval for for $290 million in bonding for Priority One work, clearing way for the project to move forward (story)
December 4, 2023: District releases request for proposals for modular classrooms, closing on December 18 (link).
November 21, 2023: Aldermen give initial approval for $290 million in bonding for Priority One work, previously approved by the Board of School Committee (story).
August 28, 2023: Priority One recommendations presented to Board of School Committee for consideration (link).
August 2023: SMMA launches project dashboard, which includes assessments and analysis of buildings at http://mansd-mp.org/index.html.
Spring/Summer 2023: SMMA begins detailed inspections of all school buildings, beginning with Priority One and moving into Priority Two.
March 2023: SMMA takes initial tours of all schools in the District, beginning process of gathering information for use in building master plan
February 2023: Board of School Committee votes to move into negotiations with SMMA as the selected vendor.
January 2023: Finance and Facilities Committee holds non-public interviews with the three firms that submitted responses to the District's request for proposals
December 2022: Finance and Facilities invites three qualified firms to submit proposals under official request for proposals
November 2022: District releases a "request for qualifications," a precursor to a request for proposals
August 2022: Board of School Committee approves "3-4-12" conceptual model for District schools, with 3 high schools, 4 middle schools, and 12 elementary schools
June 2022: Board of School Committee hears update on long-term facilities planning