crowd shot from 2024 military graduate recognition event

MANCHESTER – On Wednesday, Manchester School District held its annual military graduate recognition ceremony at the Manchester National Guard Armory.

The ceremony is an opportunity separate from graduations and school events to shine a light on students who have committed to join the military or a military academy. In addition to Superintendent Jennifer Chmiel Gillis, speakers included Mayor Jay Ruais and Maj. Gen. David Mikolaities, the state's Adjutant General.

You can find photos from the event here:

Although not all students were able to participate in Wednesday's ceremony, here is the list of those who have committed to serve in the military or attend a military academy:

  • Vinicius Dos Santos – Manchester Memorial High School – Marines

  • Patrick Flanagan – Manchester Memorial High School – Marines

  • Kimberly Garcia Avila – Manchester High School West – Army

  • Lily Grondin – Manchester Memorial High School – Air Force (early enlistment)

  • Jeremiah Hanna – Manchester Memorial High School – Army

  • Tonykus Hebert – Manchester High School West – Norwich University/ROTC

  • Zackary Houde – Manchester School of Technology High School – Army National Guard

  • Nickolas Kaizer – Manchester School of Technology High School – Army National Guard

  • Sophia Ann Piccolo – Manchester Central High School – NH Air National Guard

  • Isaiah Rivera – Manchester School of Technology High School – Navy

  • Frank Robitaille – Manchester School of Technology High School – National Guard

  • Leandro Saboia – Manchester High School West – Army

We greatly appreciate Mayor Ruais and Maj. Gen. Mikolaities joining us for this event, and we appreciate the National Guard for hosting us for this impactful event.

Did we miss someone? Please let us know by emailing