illustrative image blurred with teacher instructing students on electrical testing equipment
knight image with text Parkside Updates
Spirit Week text
Parkside Updates text with blue knight logo
knight logo with Parkside Updates title
Parkside Updates heading
Congressman Chris Pappas visits JAG class at Parkside
Parkside Updates Banner with Knight
parkside storefront
graphic of mobile phone with pop-up notification reading reminder: effective for this school year, students cannot use mobile phones during class time
image of exterior of school building with table in front for Manchester School District and several people gathering information
graphic of calendar
image of student eating lunch with text reading free summer meal options for children
logo for Summer Food Service program reading Sun Meals
Middle School Course Description Guide cover
teacher of the year semi-finalist Chelsea Viera and Nicole Gammella
food pantry location and hours
cover of 2024-2025 Manchester School District high school course catalog
career and technical education student