The results are in for the Secretary of the Navy National Marksmanship Competition
Nationally there were 247 teams competing with 2069 Marksman
Area 4, our area of NJROTC, had 15 teams with 130 Marksman
Our West team came in 3rd place in Area 4 with a score of 896
Nationally that was 93 place.
Individually in Area 4 (130 shooters)
William Donovan 8th place
Connor Bourgeois 11th place
Tonykus Hebert 21st place
Han Dang 24th place
Maura Doyle 34th place
Alanna Minter 48th place
Caitlin Powles 55 place
Aurora Badeau 62 place
Michael Waterstrat 72 place
Autumn Birmingham 77 place
Josiah Ortiz-Fernandez 89th place
Timothy Giles 96 place
Nice job cadets!