Extended Learning Opportunities

To get started, contact your school ELO Coordinator.
Manchester High School, Central
Angela Bourassa
Manchester High School, Memorial
Jenna Seavey
Manchester High School, West
Principal Dichard
Manchester School of Technology
Jenny Stephen

What is an ELO?
The ELO (Extended Learning Opportunities) Program in the Manchester School District provides opportunities for students to explore and earn credit for extended learning activities outside the traditional classroom, including, but not limited to independent study, community service, private instruction, and work-based learning.
A student will earn credit based on demonstration of course competencies, as approved by certified personnel. Throughout their ELO, students will reflect on their learning process, personal goals, acquisition of skills, and work ethic.
ELO at a Glance:
Open to all high school students
Students must commit to completing hours and activities that are outside of regular classroom time
Students are required to meet regularly with a cooperating teacher, community partner, and/or ELO Coordinator
Students must adhere to the four (4) ELO principles: Research, Reflection, Product, and Presentation